A course project for GAME-4000/GSND-6000 by Group 1 in Spring 2025


  • Use A/D to move, space bar to shoot
  • There is no way to aim, projectiles can only travel straight upward
  • Hit the buttons by colliding with them or hitting them with a projectile to change the background color

Design pattern: Hit from Afar

  • 'Hit from Afar' describes one solution to our design problem: how can designers allow players to interact with objects from a distance? 
  • Our solution is to give players the ability to launch projectiles capable of interacting with game objects


  • Mechanic name: Projectile Movement
  • Mechanic description:  Objects capable of interacting with other game objects ejected into the game space with a certain amount of force.
  • Implementation description: Players can press space to launch a projectile straight upwards. If a projectile hits a button, the background color of the level changes. Players can also interact with buttons by colliding with them.
  • Analysis of implications of mechanic in playable prototype: Our level allows players to interact with game objects (buttons) by running into them or by hitting them with projectiles. Button activation changes the background color of the level. It’s a simple implementation of our pattern that illustrates its utility. Without the moving projectile mechanic, players are restricted to interacting with the button they can reach. Adding our mechanic allows buttons to be hit from afar. The inclusion of a button the player can activate with collision shows how projectile movement can allow players to interact with objects from a distance that they could also interact with at close range


Marcella Miller-Dobler, Zhang Hanzhe, Akash Surendran, Jasper Chen, Cheng He


Project1_Build1.zip 9 MB

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